Coordinate Transformation Tool

The Coordinate Transformation Tool facilitates computing the position of a point in a user-specified coordinate system. To access the tool, select the menu item Tools | Coordinate Transformation.

To use the tool, specify a Base (or original) coordinate system, the position of a point in a Base coordinate system, and the New coordinate system. The position of the point in the New coordinate system is then provided (in the lower-right portion of the widget) when the Update button is pressed.

Reference coordinate systems supported are:

In the case of a diagnostic port, the origin is at target chamber center, and the z-axis points toward the port.

The point position can be specified using Cartesian, cylindrical, or spherical geometry.

Position values are typically entered in units of cm (or degrees in the case of angles). To change the default units used to specify position, go to the User Interface tab of the Preferences dialog.




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